Connect An Existing User Base To XWiki

Elena Oana Florea
3 min readJul 30, 2020
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash

Before starting with XWiki you may have a large existing user base for your project. Manual creation for the user profiles can be a long task. The XWiki team can provide advice to save time, effort and choose the best way to connect your existing user base to the wiki. Frequent use cases: import of user information from CCV or XSL documents, connect users from an existing directory service like Active Directory, or connect through GoogleApps.

Import Users From A CSV Or XLS List

Import data from a CSV or XLS document can easily be mapped to XWiki user profiles: each column can be linked on the wiki to an existing property or a new one on the user profile so that the data transfer can be as efficient as possible.

Sample XLS Import Data

As part of the support plan or as a dedicated service, the XWiki team can help with the import from CSV or XLS. The team can adapt an extension such as the Batch Import Application to match the exact needs of your import. For example, important columns from the import document like “First Name”, “Last Name” or “Email” will be saved correctly on the user profile without any data loss.

The Mapping Between The Import Document And The Wiki Profiles
How The User Profile Looks After The Import

Connect Users From Active Directory To XWiki

When your team has an existing Active Directory server, you can easily connect it to XWiki using the Active Directory Application. The key benefits of using the application include:

  • A visual editor inside the wiki Administration section to ease configuration.
  • One-click verification for the connection to the Active Directory server.
  • Reusing the information from an existing directory service.
  • Advanced configuration options to set up the attribute name used to login in XWiki, restrictions for specific groups, etc.
  • Make changes without restarting the application server.
  • Instant access to new features, bug fixes, and technical support.
Active Directory Pro — Setup Inside XWiki

Login With Google

Users that have created content using the Google ecosystem (Google Docs, Spreadsheet, Presentations, and Drawing) can integrate easily with XWiki by choosing the GoogleApps Integration. The application provides the option to Login with Google as well as other key benefits:

  • Import a Google Apps document as an attachment in XWiki (in multiple formats).
  • Launch editing of an XWiki attachment in Google Apps. Once the editing session is finished you can reimport it in XWiki.
Login With Google Enabled Using The GoogleApps Pro



Elena Oana Florea

Support Director at XWiki. Passionate about open source, collaborative cultures and great customer service.